Temperatures and Weather in North America

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Hong Kong28 °CScattered clouds.Thu 09:16:58
New York6 °CLight rain. Fog.Wed 21:16:58
London9 °CLight rain. Low clouds.Thu 02:16:58
Tokyo14 °CLight rain. Partly sunny.Thu 10:16:58

Local Time and Weather in North America

Abbotsford *Wed 18:16Broken clouds. Cool.10 °CMarkham *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °C
Abilene *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.23 °CMary's Harbour *Wed 22:46Overcast. Chilly.1 °C
AcapulcoWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.31 °CMasayaWed 19:16Passing clouds. Hot.33 °C
Adak *Wed 16:16More clouds than sun. Quite cool.6 °CMatagalpaWed 19:16Partly sunny. Warm.29 °C
AguascalientesWed 19:16Passing clouds. Pleasantly warm.27 °CMatamoros *Wed 20:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
Akron *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Quite cool.5 °CMay PenWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
AlajuelaWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CMayagüezWed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Mild.24 °C
Albany *Wed 21:16Sleet. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CMazatlanWed 18:16Sunny. Warm.25 °C
Albuquerque *Wed 19:16Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CMcKinney *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.19 °C
Alexandria *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °CMemphis *Wed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Allentown *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.5 °CMeridaWed 19:16Drizzle. Mostly cloudy. Warm.26 °C
Amarillo *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CMesaWed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °C
Anaheim *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CMesquite *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.21 °C
Anchorage *Wed 17:16Overcast. Chilly.-1 °CMetairie *Wed 20:16Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
Angels Camp *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CMexicali *Wed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.29 °C
Ann Arbor *Wed 21:16Overcast. Chilly.3 °CMexico CityWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
Annapolis *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Cool.9 °CMiami *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
Arlington *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CMidland *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.25 °C
ArroyoWed 21:16Clear. Warm.27 °CMilwaukee *Wed 20:16Drizzle. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °C
Athens *Wed 21:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.14 °CMinneapolis *Wed 20:16Partly sunny. Cool.8 °C
Atlanta *Wed 21:16Partly sunny. Refreshingly cool.14 °CMississauga *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Augusta (US-ME) *Wed 21:16Overcast. Chilly.4 °CMobile *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.21 °C
Augusta (US-GA) *Wed 21:16Clear. Mild.18 °CModesto *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °C
Aurora *Wed 19:16Partly sunny. Mild.18 °CMontego BayWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
Austin *Wed 20:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °CMonterreyWed 19:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °C
Baker Lake *Wed 20:16Overcast. Cold.-4 °CMontgomery *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.18 °C
Bakersfield *Wed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °CMontpelier *Wed 21:16Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.1 °C
Baltimore *Wed 21:16Drizzle. Fog. Cool.9 °CMontréal *Wed 21:16Sprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °C
Barrie *Wed 21:16Chilly.1 °CMoreno Valley *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °C
Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe)Wed 21:16Clear. Warm.25 °CNanaimo *Wed 18:16Cool.9 °C
Basseterre (St. Kitts)Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CNaples *Wed 21:16Overcast. Warm.26 °C
Baton Rouge *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CNashville *Wed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Beaumont *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.23 °CNassau *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
Belize CityWed 19:16Sunny. Hot.32 °CNew Haven *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
BelmopanWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °CNew Orleans *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.22 °C
Berkeley *Wed 18:16Broken clouds. Cool.14 °CNew York *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Quite cool.6 °C
Billings *Wed 19:16More clouds than sun. Mild.21 °CNewark *Wed 21:16Rain. Fog. Quite cool.6 °C
Birmingham *Wed 20:16Partly sunny. Refreshingly cool.14 °CNewport News *Wed 21:16Clear. Mild.18 °C
Bismarck *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °CNome *Wed 17:16Light snow. Fog. Chilly.1 °C
Blanc-SablonWed 21:16Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °CNorfolk *Wed 21:16Partly cloudy. Mild.21 °C
Boise *Wed 19:16Sunny. Cool.15 °COakland *Wed 18:16Broken clouds. Cool.14 °C
Boston *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °COakville *Wed 21:16Quite cool.5 °C
BradesWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °COaxacaWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
Brampton *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °COceanside *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.18 °C
Bridgeport *Wed 21:16Rain. Overcast. Quite cool.5 °COgden *Wed 19:16Sunny. Mild.20 °C
BridgetownWed 21:16Scattered showers. Passing clouds. Warm.27 °COklahoma City *Wed 20:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.17 °C
Brookings *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.8 °COlathe *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °C
Bryan – College Station *Wed 20:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °COlympia *Wed 18:16Cloudy. Cool.10 °C
BuckeyeWed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °COntario *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Mild.23 °C
Buffalo *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °COrange *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.20 °C
Burlington *Wed 21:16Quite cool.5 °COrange Walk TownWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Extremely hot.34 °C
Burnaby *Wed 18:16Partly sunny. Cool.9 °COranjestad (Aruba)Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
CaguasWed 21:16Clear. Warm.27 °COranjestad (St. Eust.)Wed 21:16Warm.26 °C
Calgary *Wed 19:16Overcast. Quite cool.5 °COrillia *Wed 21:16Chilly.1 °C
Camagüey *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °COrlando *Wed 21:16Overcast. Mild.18 °C
Cambridge *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °COshawa *Wed 21:16Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.1 °C
CancúnWed 20:16Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °COttawa *Wed 21:16Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Cape Coral *Wed 21:16Light rain. Overcast. Mild.21 °COverland Park *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °C
Carbondale *Wed 20:16Overcast. Cool.7 °COwensboro *Wed 20:16Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
Carson City *Wed 18:16Broken clouds. Refreshingly cool.16 °COxford *Wed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
CastriesWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °COxnard *Wed 18:16Sunny. Cool.16 °C
Cedar Rapids *Wed 20:16Overcast. Chilly.4 °CPanamaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
Charleston (WV) *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CParadise *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
Charleston (SC) *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CPasadena (USA-CA) *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °C
CharlestownWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CPasadena (USA-TX) *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.24 °C
Charlotte *Wed 21:16Partly cloudy. Mild.17 °CPaterson *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °C
Charlotte AmalieWed 21:16Passing clouds.N/APensacola *Wed 20:16Clear. Mild.21 °C
Charlottetown *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Chilly.-1 °CPeoria *Wed 20:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °C
Chatham-Kent *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CPhiladelphia *Wed 21:16Low clouds. Cool.7 °C
Chattanooga *Wed 21:16Partly sunny. Cool.12 °CPhoenixWed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
Chesapeake *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CPierre *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.13 °C
ChetumalWed 20:16Passing clouds. Extremely hot.37 °CPittsburgh *Wed 21:16Clear. Cool.8 °C
Cheyenne *Wed 19:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.17 °CPlano *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.19 °C
Chibougamau *Wed 21:16Clear. Chilly.3 °CPlaya del CarmenWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
Chicago *Wed 20:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °CPointe-à-PitreWed 21:16Clear. Warm.25 °C
ChihuahuaWed 19:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CPomona *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Mild.24 °C
CholomaWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.31 °CPonceWed 21:16Clear. Warm.26 °C
ChristianstedWed 21:16Clear. Warm.27 °CPond Inlet *Wed 21:16Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Cold.-10 °C
Chula Vista *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.19 °CPortland (Maine) *Wed 21:16Rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Cincinnati *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CPortland (Oregon) *Wed 18:16Broken clouds. Cool.10 °C
Citrus Heights *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °CPortsmouth *Wed 21:16Partly cloudy. Mild.21 °C
Ciudad Juárez *Wed 19:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CPrince George *Wed 18:16Scattered clouds. Quite cool.7 °C
Ciudad VictoriaWed 19:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °CPrinceton *Wed 20:16Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °C
Clarksville *Wed 20:16Overcast. Cool.9 °CProvidence *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °C
Cleveland *Wed 21:16Partly sunny. Quite cool.6 °CProvidenciales *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
Cockburn Harbour *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CProvo *Wed 19:16Sunny. Mild.19 °C
Codrington (Barbuda)Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CPueblaWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Pleasantly warm.27 °C
ColimaWed 19:16Haze. Pleasantly warm.30 °CPuerto PlataWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
ColónWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CPuerto VallartaWed 19:16Partly sunny. Mild.23 °C
Columbia (us-sc) *Wed 21:16Clear. Mild.19 °CPunta CanaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Columbia (us-mo) *Wed 20:16Cool.11 °CPunta GordaWed 19:16Sunny. Hot.32 °C
Columbus (US-OH) *Wed 21:16Rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °CQuébec *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Chilly.4 °C
Columbus (US-GA) *Wed 21:16Sunny. Mild.19 °CQueens *Wed 21:16Quite cool.5 °C
Concepción de La VegaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CQuerétaroWed 19:16Broken clouds. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
Concord *Wed 21:16Light rain. Overcast. Chilly.1 °CQuetzaltenangoWed 19:16Partly sunny. Mild.24 °C
Coquitlam *Wed 18:16Cool.11 °CRaleigh *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
Coral HarbourWed 20:16Light snow. Partly sunny. Frigid.-14 °CRancho Cucamonga *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Mild.23 °C
Cranbrook *Wed 19:16Overcast. Cool.12 °CRapid City *Wed 19:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
Cruz BayWed 21:16Passing clouds.N/AReginaWed 19:16Broken clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
CuernavacaWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Hot.33 °CResolute Bay *Wed 20:16Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Frigid.-14 °C
Dallas *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CReynosa *Wed 20:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °C
DangrigaWed 19:16Sunny. Hot.32 °CRichmond (CA-BC) *Wed 18:16Partly sunny. Cool.9 °C
DavidWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CRichmond (US-VA) *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Cool.13 °C
Dayton *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.5 °CRichmond Hill *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °C
Decatur *Wed 20:16Light rain. Overcast. Chilly.3 °CRiverside *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.5 °C
Denison *Wed 20:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.16 °CRiverside *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.23 °C
Denver *Wed 19:16Partly sunny. Mild.18 °CRoad TownWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Des Moines *Wed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CRochester *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °C
Detroit *Wed 21:16Overcast. Cool.8 °CRockford *Wed 20:16Drizzle. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °C
Dover *Wed 21:16Low clouds. Cool.10 °CRoseauWed 21:16Sprinkles. Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
DurangoWed 19:16Sunny. Mild.24 °CSacramento *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
EcatepecWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Pleasantly warm.26 °CSaguenay *Wed 21:16Chilly.3 °C
Edmonton *Wed 19:16Passing clouds. Cool.10 °CSahuaritaWed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.25 °C
El Monte *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CSaint George'sWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
El Paso *Wed 19:16Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CSaint John (CA - NB) *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Elizabeth *Wed 21:16Rain. Fog. Quite cool.6 °CSaint John's (Antigua)Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Erie *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Chilly.4 °CSaint-Pierre *Wed 23:16Clear. Chilly.2 °C
Escondido *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CSaint ThomasWed 21:16Passing clouds.N/A
EscuintlaWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Mild.22 °CSaipanThu 11:16Broken clouds. Warm.29 °C
Eugene *Wed 18:16Partly sunny. Cool.9 °CSalaberry-de-Valleyfield *Wed 21:16Chilly.1 °C
EurekaWed 20:16Light snow. Broken clouds. Frigid.-20 °CSalem *Wed 18:16Scattered clouds. Cool.11 °C
Evansville *Wed 20:16Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CSalinas *Wed 18:16Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Fairbanks *Wed 17:16Light snow. Ice fog. Cold.-5 °CSalt Lake City *Wed 19:16Scattered clouds. Mild.21 °C
Fargo *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.11 °CSan Antonio *Wed 20:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °C
Fayetteville (NC) *Wed 21:16Clear. Mild.22 °CSan Bernardino *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.23 °C
Fayetteville (US-AR) *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °CSan Diego *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Mild.19 °C
Flint *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.6 °CSan Francisco *Wed 18:16Partly sunny. Cool.13 °C
Fort-de-FranceWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CSan Jose (CR)Wed 19:16Partly cloudy. Mild.24 °C
Fort Lauderdale *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Warm.30 °CSan Jose (USA) *Wed 18:16Broken clouds. Mild.17 °C
Fort Smith *Wed 20:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.17 °CSan JuanWed 21:16Clear. Warm.27 °C
Fort Wayne *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CSan Juan de la MaguanaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
Fort Worth *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.19 °CSan Luis PotosiWed 19:16Sunny. Mild.20 °C
Frankfort *Wed 21:16Partly sunny. Cool.8 °CSan MiguelWed 19:16Haze. Warm.29 °C
Freeport *Wed 21:16Overcast. Warm.26 °CSan PedroWed 19:16Sunny. Hot.32 °C
Fremont *Wed 18:16Sunny. Cool.15 °CSan Pedro SulaWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.31 °C
FresnilloWed 19:16Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CSan SalvadorWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
Fresno *Wed 18:16Scattered clouds. Pleasantly warm.27 °CSan VicenteWed 19:16Haze. Warm.29 °C
Fullerton *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CSancti Spíritus *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
Gainesville *Wed 21:16Clear. Mild.17 °CSanta Ana (SV)Wed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
Garland *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CSanta Ana (US-CA) *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.20 °C
Gatineau *Wed 21:16Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °CSanta Barbara *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.17 °C
George Town (Cayman)Wed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CSanta Clara *Wed 21:16Warm.27 °C
Glendale (USA-CA) *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CSanta Clarita *Wed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.25 °C
Glendale (USA-AZ)Wed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °CSanta Fe *Wed 19:16Sunny. Mild.19 °C
GoodyearWed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.27 °CSanta María HuatulcoWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °C
Grand Rapids *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Chilly.4 °CSanta Rosa *Wed 18:16Scattered clouds. Mild.17 °C
Greater Sudbury *Wed 21:16Light snow. Fog. Chilly.0 °CSantiago de Cuba *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
Grise Fiord *Wed 21:16Broken clouds. Frigid.-17 °CSantiago de los CaballerosWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
GuadalajaraWed 19:16Partly sunny. Pleasantly warm.29 °CSantiago de VeraguasWed 20:16Overcast. Hot.34 °C
Guatemala CityWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Mild.22 °CSanto DomingoWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
Guelph *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CSaskatoonWed 19:16Partly sunny. Cool.9 °C
HagåtñaThu 11:16Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °CScottsdaleWed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
Halifax *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Chilly.-1 °CSeattle *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Hamilton (Bermuda) *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CSherbrooke *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.5 °C
Hamilton (CA-ON) *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °CShreveport *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.21 °C
Hampton *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CSikeston *Wed 20:16Overcast. Cool.9 °C
Happy Valley-Goose Bay *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Chilly.1 °CSimi Valley *Wed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.25 °C
Harrisburg *Wed 21:16Fog. Cool.7 °CSioux Falls *Wed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Hartford *Wed 21:16Heavy rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °CSouth Bend *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.2 °C
Havana *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CSpanish TownWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Hayward *Wed 18:16Partly sunny. Cool.15 °CSpringfield (MO) *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.10 °C
Helena *Wed 19:16Light rain. Overcast. Refreshingly cool.16 °CSpringfield (IL) *Wed 20:16Mostly cloudy. Chilly.4 °C
HermosilloWed 18:16Sunny. Extremely hot.34 °CSpringfield (MA) *Wed 21:16Chilly.2 °C
Hesperia *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CSquamish *Wed 18:16Cool.10 °C
Hialeah *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CSt. Catharines *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.5 °C
Hillsboro *Wed 18:16Scattered clouds. Cool.11 °CSt. Clair Shores *Wed 21:16Overcast. Cool.8 °C
HiloWed 15:16Broken clouds. Mild.24 °CSt. John's (CA - NF) *Wed 22:46Light snow. Ice fog. Chilly.0 °C
Holguín *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CSt. Joseph *Wed 20:16Cool.10 °C
Hollywood (US-CA) *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °CSt. Louis *Wed 20:16Overcast. Quite cool.7 °C
Hollywood (US-FL) *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Warm.30 °CSt. Paul *Wed 20:16Scattered clouds. Cool.8 °C
HonoluluWed 15:16Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °CSt. Petersburg *Wed 21:16Overcast. Mild.21 °C
Houston *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.24 °CStamford *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.4 °C
Huntington Beach *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.20 °CSterling Heights *Wed 21:16Partly sunny. Quite cool.5 °C
Huntsville *Wed 20:16Partly sunny. Cool.12 °CStockton *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.21 °C
Independence *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °CSunnyvale *Wed 18:16Sunny. Cool.15 °C
Indianapolis *Wed 21:16Light rain. Overcast. Chilly.3 °CSurrey *Wed 18:16Cool.11 °C
Inglewood *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.18 °CSyracuse *Wed 21:16Sleet. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Inuvik *Wed 19:16Partly sunny. Cold.-7 °CTallahassee *Wed 21:16Sunny. Mild.19 °C
Iqaluit *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Cold.-7 °CTampa *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Mild.20 °C
Irvine *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.20 °CTegucigalpaWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Irving *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CTempeWed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
Jackson *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.17 °CTepicWed 18:16Scattered clouds. Warm.26 °C
Jacksonville *Wed 21:16Partly cloudy. Mild.21 °CTexcocoWed 19:16Scattered clouds. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
Jefferson City *Wed 20:16More clouds than sun. Cool.12 °CThe BottomWed 21:16Warm.26 °C
Jersey City *Wed 21:16Rain. Fog. Quite cool.6 °CThe ValleyWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Joplin *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °CThousand Oaks *Wed 18:16Mild.19 °C
Juneau *Wed 17:16Scattered clouds. Cool.8 °CThunder Bay *Wed 21:16Overcast. Chilly.2 °C
Kamloops *Wed 18:16Overcast. Cool.10 °CTijuana *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.19 °C
Kansas City (US-MO) *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °CToledo *Wed 21:16Overcast. Chilly.3 °C
Kansas City (US-KS) *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.12 °CTopeka *Wed 20:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.13 °C
Kelowna *Wed 18:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.13 °CToronto *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Key West *Wed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CTorrance *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
Kingston (Canada) *Wed 21:16Light snow. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.1 °CTrenton *Wed 21:16Light rain. Low clouds. Quite cool.6 °C
Kingston (Jm)Wed 20:16Haze. Warm.29 °CTrois-Rivieres *Wed 21:16Quite cool.7 °C
KingstownWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CTucsonWed 18:16Sunny. Mild.24 °C
Kitchener *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CTurlock *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.22 °C
Knoxville *Wed 21:16Partly sunny. Cool.9 °CTuxtla GutierrezWed 19:16Passing clouds. Mild.24 °C
KralendijkWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CUnalaska *Wed 17:16Partly sunny. Cool.9 °C
Kuujjuaq *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Chilly.-3 °CVallejo *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Cool.16 °C
La CeibaWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CVancouver *Wed 18:16Partly sunny. Cool.9 °C
La RomanaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CVeracruzWed 19:16Overcast. Warm.25 °C
Lakewood *Wed 19:16Passing clouds. Mild.18 °CVictoria *Wed 18:16Scattered showers. Broken clouds. Cool.8 °C
Lansing *Wed 21:16More clouds than sun. Chilly.4 °CVictorville *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.21 °C
Laredo *Wed 20:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °CVieux FortWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
Las Vegas *Wed 18:16Passing clouds. Pleasantly warm.26 °CVirginia Beach *Wed 21:16Partly cloudy. Mild.21 °C
Laval *Wed 21:16Sprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Chilly.3 °CVisalia *Wed 18:16Sunny. Pleasantly warm.26 °C
LeonWed 19:16Partly sunny. Pleasantly warm.28 °CWaco *Wed 20:16Sunny. Mild.22 °C
LeónWed 19:16Passing clouds. Hot.32 °CWailukuWed 15:16Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °C
Lexington-Fayette *Wed 21:16Broken clouds. Cool.8 °CWake IslandThu 13:16Overcast. Warm.28 °C
LiberiaWed 19:16Clear. Warm.28 °CWaldorf *Wed 21:16Low clouds. Cool.10 °C
LimónWed 19:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CWarren *Wed 21:16Overcast. Cool.8 °C
Lincoln *Wed 20:16Sunny. Cool.13 °CWashington DC *Wed 21:16Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
Little Rock *Wed 20:16Partly sunny. Refreshingly cool.16 °CWaterbury *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °C
Livonia *Wed 21:16Broken clouds. Quite cool.6 °CWhistler *Wed 18:16Cool.10 °C
Lodi *Wed 18:16Mild.20 °CWhitehorseWed 18:16Partly sunny. Chilly.4 °C
London *Wed 21:16Partly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CWichita *Wed 20:16Sunny. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
Long Beach *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.23 °CWillemstadWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
Longueuil *Wed 21:16Chilly.4 °CWindsor *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
Los Angeles *Wed 18:16Sunny. Mild.21 °CWinnipeg *Wed 20:16Quite cool.6 °C
Louisville *Wed 21:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Quite cool.6 °CWinston-Salem *Wed 21:16Overcast. Refreshingly cool.16 °C
Lowell *Wed 21:16Rain. Fog. Chilly.3 °CWorcester *Wed 21:16Light rain. Fog. Chilly.1 °C
Lynchburg *Wed 21:16Overcast. Cool.12 °CYellowknife *Wed 19:16Passing clouds. Cold.-6 °C
Macon *Wed 21:16Sunny. Mild.17 °CYonkers *Wed 21:16Rain. Fog. Quite cool.5 °C
Madison *Wed 20:16Overcast. Chilly.1 °CYork *Wed 21:16Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
ManaguaWed 19:16Passing clouds. Hot.33 °CZacatecasWed 19:16Passing clouds. Mild.23 °C
Manitowoc *Wed 20:16Low clouds. Chilly.2 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (329 places).

Wed = Wednesday, 3 April 2024 (448 places).
Thu = Thursday, 4 April 2024 (3 places).

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