Temperatures and Weather in South America

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Hong Kong28 °CScattered clouds.Thu 09:16:59
New York6 °CLight rain. Fog.Wed 21:16:59
London9 °CLight rain. Low clouds.Thu 02:16:59
Tokyo14 °CLight rain. Partly sunny.Thu 10:16:59

Local Time and Weather in South America

AmbatoWed 20:16Broken clouds. Mild.18 °CMar del PlataWed 22:16Clear. Cool.13 °C
Antofagasta *Wed 22:16Overcast. Mild.19 °CMaracaiboWed 21:16Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °C
AraucaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CMaracayWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
ArequipaWed 20:16Partly cloudy. Cool.13 °CMarambio BaseWed 22:16Light snow. Low clouds. Frigid.-16 °C
AsuncionWed 21:16Clear. Hot.32 °CMarigotWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Barra do GarçasWed 22:16Clear. Warm.28 °CMedellinWed 20:16Scattered showers. Passing clouds. Cool.15 °C
BarranquillaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CMendozaWed 22:16Clear. Mild.21 °C
BelémWed 22:16Clear. Warm.25 °CMercedesWed 22:16Overcast. Cool.17 °C
Belo HorizonteWed 22:16Clear. Warm.25 °CMinasWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
Boa VistaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Hot.32 °CMonteríaWed 20:16Haze. Warm.29 °C
BogotaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.14 °CMontevideoWed 22:16Clear. Cool.15 °C
BrasiliaWed 22:16Light rain. Partly cloudy. Mild.21 °CNatalWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
BucaramangaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CNeuquénWed 22:16Overcast. Mild.18 °C
Buenos AiresWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CNew AmsterdamWed 21:16Passing clouds. Hot.33 °C
CaliWed 20:16Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CNieuw NickerieWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
CallaoWed 20:16Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CNiteróiWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
CampinasWed 22:16Clear. Warm.25 °CParamariboWed 22:16Low clouds. Warm.29 °C
CanelonesWed 22:16Clear. Cool.15 °CPedro Juan CaballeroWed 21:16Clear. Warm.26 °C
CaracasWed 21:16Partly cloudy. Hot.32 °CPereiraWed 20:16Overcast. Mild.21 °C
Carlini BaseWed 22:16Fog. Cold.-5 °CPetrópolisWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
CartagenaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CPhilipsburgWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
CayenneWed 22:16Light rain. Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CPirassunungaWed 22:16Clear. Mild.24 °C
ChaguanasWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CPort of SpainWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Ciudad del EsteWed 21:16Clear. Warm.28 °CPorto AlegreWed 22:16Clear. Mild.24 °C
CobijaWed 21:16Partly cloudy. Warm.30 °CPorto VelhoWed 21:16Thundershowers. Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
CochabambaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Mild.20 °CPunta Arenas *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Chilly.3 °C
Colonia del SacramentoWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.18 °CPuyoWed 20:16Broken clouds. Mild.18 °C
CórdobaWed 22:16Fog. Cool.17 °CQuitoWed 20:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
CúcutaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CRawsonWed 22:16Passing clouds. Refreshingly cool.15 °C
CuencaWed 20:16Partly cloudy. Cool.15 °CRecifeWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.30 °C
CuritibaWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CRiberaltaWed 21:16Scattered showers. Broken clouds. Warm.30 °C
Easter Island *Wed 20:16Partly sunny. Mild.24 °CRio BrancoWed 20:16Clear. Warm.26 °C
EncarnaciónWed 21:16Clear. Warm.29 °CRio de JaneiroWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
Esperanza BaseWed 22:16Light snow. Low clouds. Cold.-11 °CRochaWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
Fernando de NoronhaWed 23:16Clear. Warm.27 °CRosarioWed 22:16Clear. Mild.19 °C
FloridaWed 22:16Clear. Cool.15 °CSaltaWed 22:16Partly cloudy. Mild.22 °C
FortalezaWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CSalvadorWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
Foz do IguaçuWed 22:16Clear. Warm.28 °CSan FernandoWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Fray BentosWed 22:16Overcast. Cool.17 °CSan José de MayoWed 22:16Clear. Cool.15 °C
Fuerte OlimpoWed 21:16Clear. Warm.28 °CSanta CruzWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
GeorgetownWed 21:16Partly sunny. Warm.30 °CSanta FeWed 22:16Overcast. Mild.19 °C
GualeguaychúWed 22:16Overcast. Cool.17 °CSantarémWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
GuarulhosWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.22 °CSantiago *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
GuayaquilWed 20:16Light rain. Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CSanto DomingoWed 20:16Light rain. Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
GustaviaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CSantosWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.20 °C
IbarraWed 20:16Scattered showers. Partly sunny. Cool.13 °CSão PauloWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.20 °C
IquitosWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CScarboroughWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
La PazWed 21:16Passing clouds. Cool.8 °CSincelejoWed 20:16Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
La PlataWed 22:16Passing clouds. Cool.15 °CStanleyWed 22:16Clear. Chilly.2 °C
LimaWed 20:16Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CTandilWed 22:16Clear. Cool.11 °C
LindenWed 21:16Clear. Warm.28 °CTrujilloWed 20:16Fog. Mild.22 °C
MaceióWed 22:16Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CTucumánWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.20 °C
Machu Picchu PuebloWed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.13 °CValenciaWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
MaldonadoWed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °CValparaíso *Wed 22:16Overcast. Refreshingly cool.17 °C
ManausWed 21:16Passing clouds. Warm.30 °CVillavicencioWed 20:16Passing clouds. Cool.14 °C
ManizalesWed 20:16Scattered showers. Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CViña del Mar *Wed 22:16Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (6 places).

Wed = Wednesday, 3 April 2024 (112 places).

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