Temperatures and Weather in Capitals Worldwide

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Hong Kong28 °CScattered clouds.Thu 09:29:20
New York6 °CMostly cloudy.Wed 21:29:20
London10 °CDrizzle. Low clouds.Thu 02:29:20
Tokyo15 °CPartly sunny.Thu 10:29:20

Local Time and Weather in Capitals Around the World

Abu DhabiThu 05:29Clear. Mild.23 °CManaguaWed 19:29Passing clouds. Hot.32 °C
AccraThu 01:29Clear. Warm.28 °CManamaThu 04:29Passing clouds. Mild.24 °C
Addis AbabaThu 04:29Fog. Cool.15 °CManilaThu 09:29Overcast. Warm.28 °C
AlgiersThu 02:29Clear. Mild.17 °CMexico CityWed 19:29Scattered clouds. Pleasantly warm.25 °C
AlofiWed 14:29Partly sunny. Warm.29 °CMinskThu 04:29Light snow. Overcast. Chilly.0 °C
AmmanThu 04:29Clear. Mild.17 °CMonaco *Thu 03:29Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Amsterdam *Thu 03:29Passing clouds. Cool.9 °CMonroviaThu 01:29Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
AnkaraThu 04:29Clear. Cool.10 °CMontevideoWed 22:29Clear. Cool.14 °C
AntananarivoThu 04:29Passing clouds. Mild.18 °CMoscowThu 04:29Overcast. Quite cool.6 °C
ApiaThu 14:29Partly sunny. Hot.32 °CMuscatThu 05:29Warm.26 °C
AshgabatThu 06:29Clear. Cool.11 °CN'DjamenaThu 02:29Clear. Pleasantly warm.28 °C
AstanaThu 06:29Ice fog. Chilly.-2 °CNairobiThu 04:29Passing clouds. Mild.18 °C
AsuncionWed 21:29Clear. Hot.32 °CNassau *Wed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
Athens *Thu 04:29Cool.15 °CNew DelhiThu 06:59Haze. Mild.21 °C
BaghdadThu 04:29Clear. Cool.16 °CNgerulmudThu 10:29Overcast. Warm.29 °C
BakuThu 05:29Clear. Cool.12 °CNiameyThu 02:29Clear. Pleasantly warm.31 °C
BamakoThu 01:29Clear. Extremely hot.34 °CNicosia *Thu 04:29Clear. Cool.14 °C
Bandar Seri BegawanThu 09:29Partly sunny. Warm.30 °CNorth Nicosia *Thu 04:29Clear. Cool.14 °C
BangkokThu 08:29Scattered clouds. Warm.30 °CNuku'alofaThu 14:29Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °C
BanguiThu 02:29Passing clouds. Mild.23 °CNuuk *Thu 00:29Chilly.-2 °C
BanjulThu 01:29Clear. Mild.23 °COranjestadWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
BasseterreWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °COslo *Thu 03:29Chilly.-2 °C
BeijingThu 09:29Cool.10 °COttawa *Wed 21:29Light snow. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °C
Beirut *Thu 04:29Fog. Mild.19 °CPalikirThu 12:29Broken clouds. Warm.31 °C
Belgrade *Thu 03:29Refreshingly cool.16 °CPanamaWed 20:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
BelmopanWed 19:29Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °CParamariboWed 22:29Low clouds. Warm.29 °C
Berlin *Thu 03:29Partly cloudy. Cool.10 °CParis *Thu 03:29Overcast. Cool.13 °C
Bern *Thu 03:29Passing clouds. Cool.11 °CPhnom PenhThu 08:29Passing clouds. Warm.30 °C
BishkekThu 07:29Overcast. Cool.9 °CPodgorica *Thu 03:29Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
BissauThu 01:29Clear. Warm.26 °CPort LouisThu 05:29Drizzle. Low clouds. Mild.23 °C
BogotaWed 20:29Passing clouds. Cool.13 °CPort MoresbyThu 11:29Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
BradesWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CPort of SpainWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
BrasiliaWed 22:29Light rain. Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CPort VilaThu 12:29Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
Bratislava *Thu 03:29Clear. Cool.12 °CPorto NovoThu 02:29Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
BrazzavilleThu 02:29Thunderstorms. Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CPrague *Thu 03:29Clear. Cool.8 °C
BridgetownWed 21:29Scattered showers. Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CPraiaThu 00:29Passing clouds. Mild.24 °C
Brussels *Thu 03:29Rain. Overcast. Cool.11 °CPretoriaThu 03:29Mild.17 °C
Bucharest *Thu 04:29Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CPristina *Thu 03:29Cool.11 °C
Budapest *Thu 03:29Light rain. Clear. Cool.10 °CPyongyangThu 10:29Passing clouds. Cool.12 °C
Buenos AiresWed 22:29Passing clouds. Mild.19 °CQuitoWed 20:29Scattered showers. Mostly cloudy. Cool.11 °C
CairoThu 03:29Clear. Mild.20 °CRabatThu 01:29Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
Canberra *Thu 12:29Scattered clouds. Mild.19 °CRarotongaWed 15:29Broken clouds. Warm.29 °C
CaracasWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CReykjavikThu 01:29Drizzle. Ice fog. Chilly.0 °C
CastriesWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CRiga *Thu 04:29Overcast. Chilly.0 °C
Chișinău *Thu 04:29Clear. Cool.8 °CRiyadhThu 04:29Clear. Cool.15 °C
ConakryThu 01:29Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CRoad TownWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Copenhagen *Thu 03:29Light rain. Passing clouds. Chilly.2 °CRome *Thu 03:29Clear. Cool.11 °C
DakarThu 01:29Clear. Mild.22 °CRoseauWed 21:29Sprinkles. Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
DamascusThu 04:29Clear. Cool.13 °CSaint-DenisThu 05:29Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
DhakaThu 07:29Low clouds. Warm.28 °CSaint George'sWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C
DodomaThu 04:29Overcast. Mild.25 °CSaint John'sWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
DohaThu 04:29Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CSan JoseWed 19:29Partly cloudy. Mild.24 °C
Douglas *Thu 02:29Partly cloudy. Quite cool.7 °CSan JuanWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Dublin *Thu 02:29Passing clouds. Quite cool.7 °CSan Marino *Thu 03:29Cool.9 °C
DushanbeThu 06:29Clear. Quite cool.6 °CSan SalvadorWed 19:29Passing clouds. Warm.29 °C
FunafutiThu 13:29Partly sunny. Extremely hot.34 °CSantiago *Wed 22:29Passing clouds. Mild.17 °C
George Town (Cayman)Wed 20:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CSanto DomingoWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
Georgetown (Guyana)Wed 21:29Partly sunny. Warm.30 °CSarajevo *Thu 03:29Passing clouds. Cool.8 °C
Gibraltar *Thu 03:29Cool.16 °CSeoulThu 10:29Broken clouds. Mild.17 °C
GizoThu 12:29Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °CSingaporeThu 09:29Partly sunny. Warm.28 °C
Guatemala CityWed 19:29Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CSkopje *Thu 03:29Clear. Cool.8 °C
Hamilton *Wed 22:29Partly cloudy. Mild.20 °CSofia *Thu 04:29Passing clouds. Cool.10 °C
HanoiThu 08:29Fog. Warm.26 °CSri Jayawardenepura KotteThu 06:59Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
HarareThu 03:29Overcast. Mild.25 °CStanleyWed 22:29Clear. Chilly.2 °C
Havana *Wed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °CStockholm *Thu 03:29Overcast. Cold.-4 °C
Helsinki *Thu 04:29Passing clouds. Cold.-5 °CSuvaThu 13:29Partly sunny. Warm.30 °C
HoniaraThu 12:29Scattered clouds. Hot.32 °CTaipeiThu 09:29Scattered clouds. Warm.29 °C
IslamabadThu 06:29Haze. Cool.16 °CTallinn *Thu 04:29Overcast. Chilly.-2 °C
JakartaThu 08:29Partly sunny. Warm.27 °CTashkentThu 06:29Fog. Cool.8 °C
JamestownThu 01:29Mild.20 °CTbilisiThu 05:29Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
Jerusalem *Thu 04:29Cool.15 °CTegucigalpaWed 19:29Passing clouds. Warm.25 °C
KampalaThu 04:29Passing clouds. Mild.21 °CTehranThu 04:59Clear. Refreshingly cool.14 °C
KathmanduThu 07:14Fog. Cool.15 °CThimphuThu 07:29Chilly.-3 °C
KigaliThu 03:29Fog. Mild.18 °CTirana *Thu 03:29Clear. Quite cool.7 °C
KingstonWed 20:29Haze. Warm.29 °CTokyoThu 10:29Partly sunny. Cool.15 °C
KingstownWed 21:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CTunisThu 02:29Passing clouds. Cool.13 °C
KinshasaThu 02:29Thunderstorms. Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CUlaanbaatarThu 09:29Scattered clouds. Chilly.3 °C
Kuala LumpurThu 09:29Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CVaduz *Thu 03:29Cool.11 °C
Kuwait CityThu 04:29Clear. Mild.18 °CValletta *Thu 03:29Passing clouds. Cool.14 °C
Kyiv *Thu 04:29Passing clouds. Cool.12 °CVatican City *Thu 03:29Clear. Cool.11 °C
LibrevilleThu 02:29Passing clouds. Warm.25 °CVictoriaThu 05:29Passing clouds. Warm.27 °C
LimaWed 20:29Passing clouds. Mild.24 °CVienna *Thu 03:29Passing clouds. Cool.11 °C
Lisbon *Thu 02:29Passing clouds. Cool.14 °CVientianeThu 08:29Fog. Warm.28 °C
Ljubljana *Thu 03:29Overcast. Cool.12 °CVilnius *Thu 04:29Light rain. Low clouds. Chilly.0 °C
LoméThu 01:29Passing clouds. Warm.29 °CWarsaw *Thu 03:29Clear. Chilly.1 °C
London *Thu 02:29Drizzle. Low clouds. Cool.10 °CWashington DC *Wed 21:29Light rain. Low clouds. Cool.11 °C
LuandaThu 02:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °CWellington *Thu 14:29Partly sunny. Mild.18 °C
LusakaThu 03:29Scattered clouds. Warm.28 °CWindhoekThu 03:29Cool.16 °C
Luxembourg *Thu 03:29Sprinkles. Mostly cloudy. Cool.10 °CYamoussoukroThu 01:29Passing clouds. Warm.26 °C
Madrid *Thu 03:29Clear. Quite cool.7 °CYaoundéThu 02:29Passing clouds. Mild.21 °C
MajuroThu 13:29Scattered clouds. Warm.31 °CYerevanThu 05:29Clear. Refreshingly cool.13 °C
MalaboThu 02:29Thunderstorms. Passing clouds. Warm.27 °CZagreb *Thu 03:29Clear. Cool.11 °C
MaleThu 06:29Passing clouds. Warm.28 °C

* Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (56 places).

Wed = Wednesday, 3 April 2024 (42 places).
Thu = Thursday, 4 April 2024 (143 places).

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